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Hi! I'm Michael Mathieu!

You've reached my personal site, home of my projects and writings.

It's very much a work-in-progress, as I'm learning while designing it.

You can find more about me by browsing the other tabs above.

Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn!

About Me


Born and raised in Upper Michigan. Moved to Ann Arbor to study Engineering at the University of Michigan, then to Chicago for work, then to Barcelona for my MBA.

I now live in Berlin, which is pretty amazing.


Currently, I am learning Spanish, German, and Python - three languages that could not be more different.

Based on the Fluent Forever model, my German learning is primarily through digital flash cards. It's also really, really slow, as it turns out German is very difficult to consistently learn and use in Berlin as a foreigner...


I currently work at the European Headquarters of Wayfair.

My previous experience includes a long stint in heavy manufacturing and an internship at Mucho during my MBA.


I really enjoy West Coast Swing, gaming, coding, and reading.


Travel is something I'm passionate about - check out the UNESCO section of the site for more details.



I spend a lot of time coding Python, but most of that time is spent at work on code I can't publically share. I should probably fix that... I have a few outstanding thoughts on how to have my coding interact with my other passions.

One thing I intend to do is rewriting this site in Flask, but that's a ways down my to-do list at this point.

Visual Notetaking

Hop over to my other site, andMyPen, to see some of my visual notetaking.

I intend to repurpose that site to be a blog, but for the moment it's still purely visuals.

Visiting UNESCO Sites

Currently, I have visited . They are listed with dates where a part of the site was originally visted.

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